Thursday, April 7, 2011

End of the Year Crepe Party

We have an exciting announcement to make:
Netter's Knitters is hosting an End-Of-The-Year Crepe Party!!!!!!!
We will be making crepes for dinner and have some dessert afterwards. :D:D:D:D

The party is going to at this Saturday, April 9 at 6pm at Dr. C, our faculty advisor's house. (The address and directions were sent out in an email. If you didn't get it or lost it, just shoot us another email and we will forward it to you.)

We will provide the crepes but we want to make it potluck style so if people can bring some side dishes, drinks, or desserts, we would appreciate it very much.

In addition to bringing food, feel free to bring a guest as well!

If you plan on attending, please RSVP by Friday 5pm, as well as if you are bringing a guest.

Have a wonderful week and hope to see you there!
